Lyme Facts

A simple tick bite can literally be the "end all" to your life as you know it. Here are some facts about Lyme Disease that you should know:
  • Lyme is THE fastest growing infectious disease in America today 
  • Now epidemic, the latest statistics claim there could be as many as 300,000 new cases annually
  • Lyme is not isolated to only certain states or areas of the country; now in all 50 states and every continent except Antartica
  • Also known as "The great imitator", Lyme mimics ALS, MS, FM, CFS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and over 300 other diseases
  • Ticks rarely carry Lyme disease alone but also transmit a number of coinfections
  • Doctors are extremely reluctant to diagnose Lyme, mostly by fear of losing their medical license
  • Many people with Lyme see in excess of 10 doctors before being properly diagnosed  
  • The average patient pays $100k out of pocket due to medical insurance denials
  • There are no accurate tests available to date to detect Lyme Disease nor TBD coinfections
  • If you test negative, you can still have Lyme Disease; insist on a clinical diagnosis!
  • Only 30% of Lyme patients report seeing a rash where they've been bitten
  • The deer tick is so tiny and the bite is painless; many victims don't even know they've been bitten
  • If caught early, Lyme may be cured simply with antibiotics
  • If left untreated, chronic Lyme disease can become disabling and can be fatal
  • Doctors now believe Lyme can be spread during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and sexually
  • If you fear you may have Lyme disease, contact ONLY an LLMD (Lyme Literate MD)