
Brain "Gu" and Chinese Medicine

In an article I was given by my acupuncturist, I read about a syndrome, or complex disease of stranger than fiction and debilitating symptoms.  This illness, dates back 3,500 years, and the word "Gu" translated as "torture", the very first word in the Chinese language, describes the manifestation of spirochetes and parasites in the brain.  It goes on to tell of the suffering of those with brain Gu and how it is the very same stealth, almost impossible to diagnose, complex disorder we today refer to as Lyme Disease.  One in the same, according to these ancient healers who were studying and practicing healing such disorders before our time.

I also read a post on one of my online Lyme support groups; a simple message from a woman who went through this hell and came out on the other side.  She gave this advice:  "If what you're doing isn't working at all after six months, then it's time to try something new".  It is true, that each person responds differently to various protocols, so what works for one might not for another.  What I do know is this; I have yet to find a person with chronic Lyme that has been cured by antibiotics.  My personal experience is that every time I stop taking them, I am extremely ill again, creating the need for never ending antibiotic therapy.  Obviously, not only will my insurance reject that,  but also my body will at some point.  The harmful effects of long term antibiotic therapy are inarguable.

So, I continue to search for my cure.  I remember a practitioner early on in my journey, telling me of all those out there "chasing the cure".....I had no idea six years ago the significance of that statement and how it would consume my life.  It has become not just my focus, but more of an obsession.  Anyone with Lyme would understand.  I am obsessed with finding a cure; the alternative would be to give up and succumb to the disease.  Fight or flight I suppose.

I began taking Chinese herbs last night, just had my second dose this morning.  I am willing to give this a chance after reading some pretty compelling studies and personal accounts.  I have tried nearly everything else and am running thin on options.  Complimentary acupuncture once a week completes my protocol and hopefully I will see positive results.  I pray with all my heart and soul this will work.  I don't know how I will survive another disappointment...this rollercoaster ride seems to go on and on endlessly and I need to get off.  It's time.

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