
author unknown

Lonely Lyme

Here I sit with lonely Lyme, waiting for my friends to come online.

Is there a cure? I really don't know, taking my meds only time will show.

Doctor said it was all in my head but he doesn't know the spirochete's bed

They sleep in films and hide in my brain; sometimes I wonder why I don't go insane.

Docs can argue about right and wrong, but that doesn't help if I don't live too long

So many opinions that you just can't trust, having a Lyme Doc is surely a must

I watched the movie Under Our Skin; have to get a Specialist if I want to win.

So let me warn you and give you a poke, Having Chronic Lyme is no joke.

The little bug, so tiny and small, makes you feel like you just hit a wall

Days and Months of feeling so sick, my whole life is ruined by this tiny tick

So thanks for reading my lonely rhyme and giving me a chance to weep and whine

Just remember if you are ever concerned, I am here to help you learn.


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