
a new day

Yesterday i talked to my dear friend Karen, who reminds me every time we talk just how lucky I am!  Without friends like her, I would've given up this fight a long time ago...I call her as often as possible because I just can't cry when I'm talking to her!!  Most days for over two years now, I have wasted away, lying in bed, crying and praying, sleeping and crying some more...but when we talk she makes me laugh and reminds me of the "old" me; she knew me "when"; before this illness came and took away so much...she makes me want my old life back and  gives me hope that I can reclaim it!  We actually talked about funny memories (we've known each other since we were 12) and for the first time in I don't know how long, "Lyme" didn't even enter the conversation. Wow! Here's to more focus on other things...it is hard, when you're dealing with pain, to not think about it...but it sure was a nice escape.

I need to remind myself, i am still the person who jumped out of that airplane; hand fed those sharks in Tahiti, moved to Hawaii, after winning a sales contest, without knowing a soul, then walked on hot coals, even danced on them!!  I moved across country for college, and I got up at 4 am 5 times a week and walked miles, with ski's, boots and gear to the mountain and found a way to ski free and earn college credit for it! One day I saw a hot air balloon flying in the sky and chased it til they landed and convinced them for a crew position so I could fly for free.  I dreamed of sailing the Greek Isles on a private yacht and did it (nearly free).

That same person is somewhere still inside of me and i pray each day for her to come out again and play.  This disease has taken a lot, but can never take any of that away and I dream for more of my dreams to come true, especially for a cure for me....and why not?  Every other dream I have put out there has come true!!!  Thanks Karen, Tammy, Marie and Cindy for reminding me!!!!

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