
abandoned and left with no choice

It's ironic that the very system that took my  income from me,abandoned my son and I and left us homeless are demanding that I continue regularly with (western) medical treatment in order to even look at my appeal for which I have the legal right.  For those who don't know, in order to even see an expert in tick borne disease, to walk in the door ranges from $300-500 and most have a wait list up to a year long.  Treatments range in expense; the monthly cost of I.V. rocephin which is what I have been told I need is in the thousands, every month, for a period of not less than 6-9 months if I remember correctly.  I was on mepron, for my babesia, which is $1700 a month; that I took along with oral antibiotics for months to no avail.  So, I am now tens of thousands in debt and my greedy insurance company for which  I had a disability rider is refusing to pay my rightfully earned income for which I worked over a decade for.  Conveniently, my medical insurance company through COBRA was due on the first of the month,  which happened one month  to fall on a weekend; I called first thing monday morning to phone in my payment,  rather than mailing it out on Sat the 30th so they would get it sooner.  They refused my payment, cancelled my insurance, and now, with my pre-existing conditions cannot get coverage.  In order to win my appeal, they require further medical proof, which requires testing, which requires either money or insurance coverage, both which they have taken from me....am I missing something?  THEY WANT TO KEEP ME ON WELFARE!!!

 All I want is to be treated, compensated by a policy I rightfully am  due to keep a roof over our heads and and return to work, or if  that is not possible, which many doctors attest, have a chance at getting some of the medical testing done in order to appease the powers to be so that I can provide for myself and my son and at least collect on my long term disability which I paid into monthly.  Boy they sure have this system wired.  And they know I am too ill to fight it.

I lived on 97 cents for two weeks this month!  I went to bed hungry many nights.  Does that make them the winner?  I don't know how they sleep at night and I wouldn't wish this on  anyone but I have to admit, I secretly fantasize, during my moments of anger, a tick crawling on them while they do sleep so soundly.

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