
sometimes there are no words

i've had a very hard two days so i apologize for not getting on sooner to thank all involved for a very successful lyme awareness brunch! congratulations and thank you to all.  as in the title of this post, there really are no words that can express how truly grateful I am for all of the hard work of the volunteers and the generosity of the donors and attendees. I heard it was very powerful, educational and many are already talking about Boulder's 2nd annual Lyme awareness event!  We not only covered our expenses but also got a small start toward beginning my treatment, so any donations that are mailed in will go directly toward continuing my medical care. And I have heard so many heartfelt stories of people truly touched by the information shared yesterday; even a story or two of how life changing an impact the day had on them!  Mission accomplished....that was our goal.  And my goal for the rest of my life; to prevent as many people as possible from ever knowing the reality of this nightmarish disease.

I am in awe of the giver, the person who, without hesitation opens his/her checkbook and donates, especially all those who don't even know me!  Again, thank you to all and I hope Boulder takes the life saving information from the day and passes the word; the goal was to save many lives that day.  I am so sorry I could not be there, but trust me, I was in spirit.  Hopefully, I will  be healthy enough next year to make the trip.

Today something incredible happened.  I received an envelope; inside, a blank sheet of paper wrapped around 10 20$ bills! OMG!  I feel like a millionaire.  My dad used to always say, "everything's relative". There was a time when I took money for granted and this all has been such a lesson to me.  But there was no note, nothing but a return address from a church so I can at least respond with a thank you card.  I just  am shocked how generous complete strangers can be!  I feel so blessed today, although I shamefully admit yelling at God a few times during a very painful and difficult morning....and look how He answered me when I got the mail this afternoon.  I am so blessed and although I have such a horrible disease...trust me, Lyme sucks, its the  reminders like today and the fundraiser that are getting me though.  God Bless you all!

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