
out of control

i haven't been blogging much lately; lots of problems with my body; totally out of my control.  I have just spend over 2 hours just getting to this part oft this blog....ikeep fallling asleep.  My finngers are soo nhmb now that is hard to feel the keys.  Hips are bad, very very bad and am scared i willl lose the ability to walk if something is not done soon.  some friends from online donated chinese herbs; i cannot afoordd anything else so i statred takingthem tonight.  I was completely unaable to walk earlier today and manhy times this last week.  And i sleep so much from reading anything, even being read to it is dishaeartneing.  but i am still fighting this darn thing and hopefully willsee improvemnt with the herbs. my fundraiser is saturday; so far i know my nephew's girlfriend donated 50 dllarrs; thanks Gina! you of all, the youngest and yet you found it in your heart to give; i know it is toucgh times for everyone; believe; me i would not ask for any help if it wansnt totally necessary; we are in bigi trouble even surviving.  We have 97 cents left on our food stamp card ans still have over a week until they put more on that.  After rent, I have 19 dollars left for gas for he week.  My Wonderful godparents have been paying for my car for almost a year and my sister, mom and wonderful friends, a special shout out to Karen and Marie and other family have helped by sending money.  Tammy, your undying dedication tothis event saturday despite what you are going through is testiment to true friendship i love you all.. your gifts mean s so much; im' sure others have gifted too i just havent got the list yet; i thank you all so much; i want so badly to get better and get back out there with you all. thank you, robin

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