
Happy Thanksgiving

I found today a perfect opportunity to post since it has been so long; what better day than Thanksgiving to say hello to my fellow bloggers.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Its almost noon and am just able to try to do this; had a hard time last night and this morning, neurologically speaking....hoping I can get through Thanksgiving this year.  The noise and the people and commotion may be overload for me but I am going to try, even if it means sitting in a quiet room alone for most of it.

I called my mom this morning and she couldn't understand me at all, my speech was so slurred.  I don't know how concerned to be; it does come and go.  Like the other day; my dear friend gave me the most thoughtful, fun and yummy gift...it's called delicous dinners, or something like that....anyway....you pre-select your meal choices, and when you get there, put on an apron and all the supplies and ingredients are waiting there; you just need to follow the easy color coded instructions to measure everything and place in bag to freeze at home.  A child could do it and thankfully I brought mine....my son, I could tell, was upset when he saw I was having a bit of difficulty concentrating on the easiest of tasks....2 red squares of thyme and 1 of pepper; pretty simple right...I seriously couldn't have done it without his guidance (and patience) gently keeping me on task and directing me every time I got confused and forgot what to do, what I already did and when I forgot what the director there had told me moments ago.

I know my son gets upset when he sees the impairment this disease has left me with but I encourage him that it will, in time, with treatment, leave my body as it rids itself of this infection.

I started on chinese herbs a couple of weeks ago and was doing pretty well until a horrible herx (herxheimer) reaction which almost led me to call 911. Because I had a cold, I was very reluctant to expose myself to the germs at a hospital and nobody here knows anything about lyme anyway; the reminder of how my dad died from an infection he got in a hospital keeps me away from them as much as possible.  I was fortunate to have family in town last week to help me get through it. I did temporarily stop all herbs until my body recovers. On a positive note, it is a sign that the herbs are working at killing the spirochetes so I do plan to try again, just begin more slowly, maybe one herb at a time to rule out possible allergies.

Anyway, today I am thankful that I am still able to fight this ( I lost a friend to cancer last week); that I do have somewhere to go and leave these four walls that are closing in on me and becoming smaller and smaller and of course, most importantly, I am so grateful for my family and friends, and for my Faith that gives me hope that I may be even better next Thanksgiving Day.

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Day and don't forget to be thankful for the things we so often take for granted like our health!

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